
This list of books is wide-ranging and sometimes eclectic, but has been chosen to help anyone interested in tourism as education. It includes a number of works about image formation through marketing and regeneration initiatives, several on history, and some on landscapes, environmental psychology and visitor interpretation, all of which are useful in setting the scene as well as discussing the subject directly. There is an urban bias which reflects my own perspective. Some books and articles are out of print in a few cases very out of print; but they should be available in specialist libraries and archives.
While the list is of over 600 works it remains a fraction of what is available in terms of books, journal papers and other items.
Some information about the sources is missing. I hope to correct this shortly.
Addison, W (1951) English Spas, London, Batsford
Alderson, William T & Low, Shirley P (1985) Interpretation Of Historic Sites, Nashville, Am Assoc for State & Local History
Aldridge, D (1975) Principles Of Countryside Interpretation And Interpretive Planning, Edinburgh,
Alfrey, Judith & Putnam, Tim (1992) Industrial Heritage: Managing Resources And Uses, London, Routledge
Allen, David Elliston (1976) Naturalist In Britain, The, Harmondsworth, Pelican
Allwood, John (1977) Great Exhibitions, The, London, Studio Vista
Alsayyad, Nezar (ed) (2001) Consuming Tradition, Manufacturing Heritage: Global Norms And Urban Forms In The Age Of Tourism, London, Routledge
Altman and Zube (eds) (1989) Public Places And Spaces, New York, Plenum Press
Ambrose, Timothy (ed) (1990) Money, Money, Money and Museums, Edinburgh, HMSO
Anderson, M D (1971) History and Imagery in British Churches, London, John Murray
Andrew, N; Flanagan, S & Ruddy, J (2002) Tourism Destination Planning, Dublin, Dublin Institute of Technology
Andrews, N; Flanagan, S & Ruddy, J (2002) Innovations In Tourism Planning, Dublin, Dublin Institute of Technology
Apostolopous, Y and Leivadi, S (1996) Sociology of Tourism, The: Theoretical And Empirical Investigations, London, Routledge
Appleton, Jay (1996) Experience Of Landscape, The, Chichester, John Wiley
Ashworth and Voogd (1990) Selling The City: Marketing Approaches In The Public Sector, London, Routledge
Ashworth, G J and Dietvorst, A G J (1995) Tourism And Spatial Transformations: Implications For Policy And Plann, Wallingford, CAB International
Ashworth, G J and Tunbridge, J E (1994) Tourist-Historic City, The, Chichester, John Wiley
Ashworth, Greg and Goodall (1990) Marketing Tourism Places, London, Routledge
Ashworth, Greg and Larkham, P J (1994) Building A New Heritage: Tourism, Culture & Identity in the New Europe, London, Routledge
Atkinson, F (1999) Man Who Made Beamish, The, Gateshead, Northern Books
Auerbach, Jeffrey A (1999) Great Exhibition Of 1851, The, New Haven, Yale University
Babbie, Earl (1992) Practice of Social Research, The, Belmont, Calif, Wadsworth
Bahre, A (1901) Geographical Excursions In Germany, ,
Banham, Mary and Hillier, Bevis (1976) Tonic To The Nation, A, London, Thames and Hudson
Baratay, Eric & Hardouin-Fougier, Elisabeth (2002) Zoo: A History Of Zoological Gardens In The West, London, Reaktion Books
Barnouw, Erik (1983) Documentary: A History Of The Non-fiction Film, New York, Oxford University Press
Baron, S and McLean, R (eds) (1951) Festival Of Britain 1951, The: Pleasure Gardens Guide, London, HMSO
Barrow, G (1997) Interpretation In Britain: Has It Come Of Age?, ,
Bates, E S (1911) Touring In 1600: A Study In The Development Of Travel As A Means Of Ed, Boston, Houghton-Mifflin
Baum, Tom () Managing Human Resources in the European Tourism & Hospitality Industr, , Int'l Thomson Business Press
Baum, Tom (1995) We're All Going On A Summer Holiday: Images Of Tourism Past And Presen, Buckingham, University of Buckingham
Beazley, Elizabeth (1969) Designed for Recreation, London, Faber and Faber
Beeho, A & Prentice, R (1997) Conceptualising The Experiences of Heritage Tourists, ,
Beeton, Sue (2005) Film-Induced Tourism, Clevedon, Channel View
Beioley et al (1990) Tourism And The Inner City: An Evaluation Of / Impact Of Grant Assiste, London, HMSO
Belasco, Warren James (1979) Americans on the Road, Baltimore, Md, MIT Press
Bennett, David (1999) Roller Coaster: Wooden and Steel Coasters, Twisters and Corkscrews,London, Aurum Press
Bennett, Tony (1995) Birth Of The Museum, The, London, Routledge
Bianchini, F & Parkinson, M (1993) Cultural Policy And Urban Regeneration: The West European Experience, Manchester, Manchester University Press
Bird, Bella (1989) Langkawi: From Mahsuri to Mahathir - Tourism For Whom?, Kuala Lumpur, INSAN
Black, Anabel (1996) Negotiating The Tourist Gaze: The Example Of Malta, Oxford, Berghahn
Black, Jeremy () British Abroad, The: The Grand Tour in the Eighteenth Century, , Alan Sutton
Blume, Mary (1992) Cote D'Azur: Inventing The French Riviera, London, Thames and Hudson
Bocking, Tony (1989) Policy And Organisation Framework: Presenting Chester, Strasbourg, Council of Europe Press
Boissevain, J (1979) Impact Of Tourism On A Dependent Island, The, ,
Boissevain, Jeremy (1995) Coping With Tourists: European Reactions To Mass Tourism, Oxford, Berghahn Books
Boniface, Brian G, and Cooper, Chris (1987) Geography of Travel and Tourism, The, London, Heinemann
Boniface, Priscilla (1995) Managing Quality Cultural Tourism, London, Routledge
Boniface, Priscilla and Fowler, Peter (1993) Heritage And Tourism In The Global Village, London, Routledge
Booker, J (1994) Traveller's Money, Stroud, Alan Sutton
Boorstin, Daniel J (1964) Image, The, Harmondsworth, Pelican
Boorstin, Daniel J (1983) Discoverers, The, London, Dent
Bosselman, Fred P (1978) In The Wake of the Tourist: Managing Special Places in Eight Countries, Washington, DC, Conservation Foundation, The
Bottomley, Frank (1978) Church Explorer's Guide, The, London, Kay and Ward
Boulding, K (1956) Image, The: Knowledge In Life And Society, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press
Braddock, R (1958) An Extension Of The Lasswell Formula, ,
Bramwell, B and Rawding, L (1996) Tourism Marketing Images Of Industrial Cities, ,
Bramwell, Bill & Lane, Bernard (2000) Tourism Collaboration And Partnerships: Politics, Practice And Sustainability, Clevedon, Channel View
Bray, Roger & Raitz, Vladimir (2001) Flight To The Sun: The Story Of The Holiday Revolution, London, Continuum
Brendon, Piers (1991) Thomas Cook: 150 Years of Popular Tourism, London, Secker and Warburg
Briguglio, L and Vella, Leslie (1995) Competitiveness Of The Maltese Islands In Mediterranean Int'l Tourism,, Chichester, John Wiley
Briguglio, L et al (eds) (1996) Sustainable Tourism In Islands And Small States: Case Studies, London, Pinter
Brodsky-Porges, E (1981) The Grand Tour: Tourism As An Educative Device 1600-1800, ,
Brooks, Geraldine (1985) The Road Back: Old New England City Heals Itself, Chicopee, Mass,
Brown, Dona (1995) Inventing New England: Regional Tourism In The Nineteenth Century, Washington DC, Smithsonian Institution
Brown, Frances (1998) Tourism Reassessed: Blight Or Blessing?, Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann
Brunt, Paul (1997) Market Research in Travel and Tourism, Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann
Brunvand, J (1998) American Folklore: An Encyclopaedia, New York, Taylor and Francis
Buckley, Peter J & Witt, Stephen F (1989) Tourism In Difficult Ares 2: Case Studies of Calderdale, Leeds, Manchester, ,
Bull () Economics Of Travel And Tourism, Harlow, Addison Wesley Longman
Burkart, A and Medlik, S (1975) Management of Tourism, The, London, Heinemann
Burns, Peter M (1999) Introduction ToTourism And Anthropology, An, London, Routledge
Burton () Interpersonal Skills In Travel And Tourism, Harlow, Addison Wesley Longman
Burton, R (1995) Travel Geography, London, Pitman
Butcher, Jim (2003) The Moralisation of Tourism: Sun, Sand .. and Saving the World? Abingdon, Routledge
Butler, R and Hinch, T (1996) Tourism And Indigenous Peoples, Padstow, T J Press
Butler, R and Pearce, D (eds) (1995) Change in Tourism: People, Places Processes, , Routledge
Butlin, Sir Billy (1982) Billy Butlin Story, The, London, Robson
Buzard, J (1993) Beaten Track, The: European Tourism, Literature & the Ways to Culture, , Oxford University
Calder, Simon (2002) No Frills: The Truth Behind The Low-Cost Revolution In The Skies, London, Virgin
Campbell, Jeremy (1982) Grammatical Man: Information, Entropy, Language And Life, London, Allen Lane
Carbonell, Bettina (ed)(2004) Museum Studies: An Anthology of Contexts, New York, John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Carmona M et al (2003) Public Places, Urban Spaces: The Dimensions of Urban Design, Oxford, Architectural Press
Carrington, Ron (1975) Alexandra Park And Palace, A History, London, Greater London Council
Carson, Rachel (1962) Silent Spring, ,
Cater, Erlet and Lowman, Gwen (1994) Ecotourism: A Sustainable Option?, London, Wiley/RGS
Catherwood, Dwight W and Van Kirk, Richard L () Complete Guide To Event Management, The, New York, John Wiley
Chadwick, George F (1966) Park and the Town, The: Public Landscape in the 19 & 20C, London, Architectural Press
Chamberlin, Russell (1986) Idea of England, The, London, Thames and Hudson
Chambers, Erve (1997) Tourism And Culture: An Applied Perspective, New York, State University of New York Press
Chambers, Erve (2000) Native Tours: The Anthropology Of Travel And Tourism, Prospect Heights, Il, Waveland Press
Chandler, Harry and Carter, John (1985) Chandler's Travels: A Tour of the Life of Harry Chandler, London, Quiller Press
Chaney, Edward (1998) Evolution Of The Grand Tour, The, London, Frank Cass
Chinn, Carl (1998) Cadbury Story, The, Studley, Warwicks, Brewin
Chippindale, Christopher (1994) Stonehenge Complete, London, Thames and Hudson
Chippindale, Christopher et al (1990) Who Owns Stonehenge?, London, Batsford
Chon, Kye-Sung (1991) Tourism Destination Image Modification Process: Marketing Implications, ,
Civic Trust (1984) Halifax-in-Calderdale: A Strategy For Prosperity, London, Civic Trust
Civic Trust (1986) Calderdale - The Challenge: A Strategy For Prosperity, London, Civic Trust
Clark, C (1993) Ironbridge Gorge, Bath, Batsford/English Heritage
Clark, Colin (1989) Tourist Services And Guidance: Heritage And Information, Strasbourg, Council of Europe Press
Coccosis, Harry and Nijkamp, Peter (1995) Sustainable Tourism Development, Aldershot, Avebury
Coe, Brian (1981) The History of Movie Photography, London, Ash and Grant
Cohen, Erik (1972) Towards A Sociology of International Tourism, ,
Cohen, Erik (1988) Traditions In The Qualitative Sociology Of Tourism, ,
Cohen, Erik (1979) A Phenomenology Of Tourist Experience, ,
Cohen, Erik (1985) Tourist Guide, The: The Origins, Structure And Dynamics Of A Role, ,
Cohn, B S (1996) Colonialism and Its Forms of Knowledge, Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press
Cole, Beverley and Durack, Richard (1992) *Railway Posters 1923-1947, London, Laurence King
Coleman, Simon and Elsner, John (1995) Pilgrimage: Past And Present In World Religions, London, British Museum Press
Collins, Richard et al (eds) (1986) Media, Culture And Society: A Critical Reader, London, Sage
Comment, Bernard (1999) The Panorama, London, Reaktion Books
Constantine, Stephen (1986) Buy And Build: The Advertising Posters Of The Empire Marketing Board, London, HMSO Books
Cook, Olive (1963) Movement In Two Directions, London, Hutchinson
Cooper et al (2005) Tourism, Principles and Practice, London, Pitman
Cooper, A (1997) How To Plan Advertising, London, The Account Planning Group
Cooper, C (ed) (2003) Classic Reviews in Tourism, Clevedon, Channel View
Cooper, Chris & Wanhill, Stephen (1997) Tourism Development: Environmental And Community Issues, Chichester, John Wiley
Coppock, John T and Duffield, Brian (1975) Recreation and The Countryside, London, Macmillan
Cosgrove, Denis and Daniels, Stephen (1988) Iconography Of Landscape, The, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
Cosgrove, D (1998) Social Formation and Symbolic Landscape, Madison Wi, University of Wisconsin Press
Cossons, Neil (1989) Heritage Tourism: Trends And Tribulations, ,
Cox, Ian (1951) South Bank Exhibition, The: A Guide To The Story It Tells, London, HMSO
Croall, Jonathan (1995) Preserve or Destroy, London, Gulbenkian
Crompton, J (1979) Motivations For Pleasure Vacations, ,
Crotts, John C and Van Raaij, W Fred (1994) Economic Psychology of Travel and Tourism, Binghampton, NY, Haworth
Crouch, David (1999) Leisure/Tourism Geographies: Practices and Geographical Knowledge, London, Routledge
Cullen, Gordon (1961) Townscape, London, Architectural Press
Cushner, Kenneth (2004) Beyond Tourism, Lanham MD, Rowan and Littlefield Education Education

Dale, A (1967) Fashionable Brighton, London, Oriel Press
D'Amore, L J (1988) Tourism - A Vital Force For Peace, ,
Dann, G M S (1977) Anomie, Ego-enhancement And Tourism, ,
Dann, G M S (1981) Tourist Motivation: An Appraisal, ,
Dann, Graham M S (1996) Language of Tourism, The, Wallingford, CAB International
Darley, Gillian (1975) Villages of Vision, London, The Architectural Press
Davidson, R and Maitland, R (1997) Tourism Destinations, London, Hodder and Stoughton
Davidson, Rob () Business Travel, Harlow, Addison Wesley Longman
Davidson, Rob (1989) Tourism, , Pitman
Davidson, Rob (1998) Travel And Tourism In Europe, Harlow, Addison Wesley Longman
Davidson, Rob & Cope, Beulah (2003) Business Travel, Harlow, Financial Times/Prentice Hall
Davis, John R (1999) Great Exhibition, The, Stroud, Sutton Publishing
De Botton, Alain (2002) Art of Travel, The, London, Penguin
de Kadt, (1979) Tourism: Passport to Development, Oxford, Oxford University
De Mare, Eric (1972) London 1851: The Year Of The Great Exhibition, London, The Folio Society
Deegan, James and Dineen, Donal (1997) Tourism Policy And Performance: The Irish Experience, , Int'l Thomson Business Press
Deelman, Christian (1964) Great Shakespeare Jubilee, The, London, Michael Joseph
Defoe, Daniel (1724-26) Tour Through The Whole Island Of Great Britain, A, London, G Strahan
Delgado, Alan (1977) Annual Outing and Other Excursions, The, London, George Allen and Unwin
Denson, Charles (1998) Coney Island Walking Tour, Berkeley, Ca, Dreamland Press
Desmond, J (1999) Staging Tourism: Bodies on Display From Waikiki to Sea World, Chicago, University of Chicago Press
Dilke, Margaret (1965) Field Studies For Schools, London, Rivingtons
Dix () Front Office Operations, Harlow, Addison Wesley Longman
Dorfman, Art (1975) How To Read Donald Duck: Imperialist Ideology in The Disney Comic, ,
Doswell, Roger () Tourism: How Effective Management Makes A Difference, , Butterworth Heinemann
Douglas, Ngaire (1996) They Came For Savages: 100 Years Of Tourism In Melanesia, Lismore, NSW, Southern Cross University
Douglas, Norman; Douglas, Ngaire and Derret, Ros (eds) (2001) Special Interest Tourism : Context And Cases, Brisbane, Wiley
Dovey, Z (1996) An Elizabethan Progress: The Queen's Journey Into East Anglia, 1578, Stroud, Sutton
Downs, Roger and Stea, David (1977) Maps In Minds: Reflections On Cognitive Mapping, New York, Harper and Row
Droege, Peter (ed) (1997) Intelligent Environments: Spatial Aspects Of The Information Revolutio, Amsterdam, Elsevier
Drummond, Siobhan and Yeoman, Ian (2001) Quality Issues In Heritage Visitor Attractions, Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann
Durrans, Brian (1979) Ancient Pacific Voyaging: Cook's Views And The Development Of Interpre, London, British Museum Publications
Echtner, C M and Brent Ritchie, J R (1993) Measurement of Destination Image, The: An Empirical Assessment, ,
ECOTEC (1990) Calderdale: Tourism Impact Study, Calderdale, ECOTEC/Calderdale Council
Edensor, Tim (1998) Tourists At The Taj, London, Routledge
Edgell, David L (1990) International Tourism Policy, New York, Van Nostrand and Reinhold
Edwards, J Arwel & Llurdes I Coit, Jose Carles (1996) Mines And Quarries: Industrial Heritage Tourism,
Eells, Eleanor (1986) Eleanor Eell's History of Organised Camping: The First Hundred Years, Martinsville, In, American Camping Association
Eghoved L and Andersen, I (1995) Tourism: A Major Industry In York, ,
Eliot, Mark (1994) Walt Disney: Hollywood's Dark Prince, London, Andre Deutsch
Elliott, James (1997) Tourism: Politics and Public Sector Management, London, Routledge
Elsner, John and Cardinal, Roger (ed) (1994) Cultures of Collecting, The, London, Reaktion
Evans, M J, Moutinho, L, Van Raaij, W F (1996) Applied Consumer Behaviour, , Addison Wesley
Fairgrieve, James (1926) Geography In School, London, University of London Press
Falk, Nicholas (1989) Baltimore and Lowell: Two American Approaches, ,
Feifer, Maxine (1985) Going Places, London, Macmillan
Fennell, David A (1999) Ecotourism: An Introduction, London, Routledge
Fjellman, Stephen M (1992) Vinyl Leaves, Bouldert, Co, Westview Press
Fodness, Dale and Murray, Brian () Tourist Information Search, ,
Ford, Phyllis M (1981) Principles and Practices of Outdoor/Environmental Education, New York, John Wiley
Foster, Douglas (1985) Travel And Tourism Management, London, Macmillan Educational
Franklin, Adrian (2003) Tourism: An Introduction, London, Sage
Frechtling, Douglas C (1996) Practical Tourism Forecasting, Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann
Freeman, T W (1961) A Hundred Years of Geography, London, Duckworth
Friebe, Wolfgang (1985) Buildings Of The World Exhibitions, Leipzig, Editions Leipzig
Frisby, David (2001) Cityscapes Of Modernity: Critical Explorations, Cambridge, Polity
Fyall, Alan; Garrod, Brian and Leask, Anna (2003) Managing Visitor Attractions: New Directions, Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann
Gadd, David (1971) Georgian Summer: Bath In The Eighteenth Century, Bath, Adams and Dart
Gartner, W C (1996) Tourism Development: Principles, Processes And Practices, , Van Nostrand
Gartner, W C (1993) Image Formation Process, The, ,
Gee, Chuck (1996) Resort Development And Management, Lansing Michigan, American Hotel & Lodging Association
Gee, Chuck et al (1997) Travel Industry, The, New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold
Getz, Donald and Sailor, L () Design of Destination and Attraction-Specific Brochures,
Ghimire, Krishna (2001) The Native Tourist: Mass Tourism Within Developing Regions, London, Earthscan
Gibbs-Smith, C H (1981) Great Exhibition Of 1851, The, London, HMSO
Gibson, H. (1998) The Educational Tourist, in Journal of Phvsical Education, Recreation and Dance, 69 (4), pp32-34
Giroux, Henry A (2010) The Mouse That Roared: Disney and the End of Innocence, Lanham MD, Rowman and Littlefield
Glasson et al () Towards Visitor Impact Management, Aldershot, Avebury
Gold, John R and Gold, Margaret M (1995) Imagining Scotland, Aldershot, Scolar Press
Gold, John R and Ward, Stephen V (1994) Place Promotion: The Use Of Publicity To Sell Towns & Regions, Chichester, John Wiley
Golledge, Reginald G & Stimson, Robert J (1997) Spatial Behaviour: A Geographic Perspective, Guilford Press, New York
Goodacre, B and Baldwin, G (2002) Living the Past: Reconstruction, Recreation and Re-Enactment and Education at Museums and Historical Sites, London, Middlesex University Press
Goodall and Ashworth (1988) Marketing in the Tourism Industry: The Promotion of Destination Regions, , Routledge
Gorsuch, A & Koenker, D (2006) Turizm: The Russian and East European Tourist under Capitalism and Socialism,Ithaca NY, Cornell University
Graham B, Ashworth G, Tunbridge J (2000) Geography of Heritage, A: Power, Culture and Economy, London, Arnold
Gray, Fred (2006) Designing the Seaside: Architecture, Nature and Society, London, Reaktion Books
Greed, Clare () Investigating Town Planning: Changing Perspectives And Agendas, Harlow, Addison Wesley Longman
Greed, Clare () Introduction To Urban Design, Harlow, Addison Wesley Longman
Greenhalgh, Paul (1998) Ephemeral Vistas:The Exposition Universelles,Great Exhibitions and Worlds Fairs 1851-1939, Manchester, Manchester University Press
Greenspan, A (2002) Creating Colonial Williamsbur, Washington DC, Smithsonian Institution
Gregory, Alexis (1998) Golden Age Of Travel, The: 1880-1939, London, Cassell
Guggisberg, S A W (1977) Early Wildlife Photographers, Newton Abbot, David & Charles
Gunn, Clare and Var, Turgut (2002) Tourism Planning, London, Routledge

Hall, C Michael (2000) Tourism Planning: Policies, Processes And Relationships, Harlow, Prentice Hall
Hall, C Michael and Page, Stephen (1999) Geography Of Tourism And Recreation: Environment, Place And Space, London, Routledge
Hall, C Michael and Page, Stephen J () Tourism In The Pacific: Issues And Cases, London, International Thomson Business Press
Hall, Coilin Michael and Johnston, Margaret E (1995) Polar Tourism: Tourism in the Arctic and Antarctic Regions, Chichester, Wiley
Hall, Colin and Jenkins, John (1995) Tourism And Public Policy, London, Routledge
Hall, Colin Michael (1994) Tourism and Politics: Policy, Power, & Place, Chichester, Wiley
Hall, Colin Michael (1992) Hallmark Tourist Events, , Belhaven
Hall, Colin Michael (1994) Tourism In The Pacific Rim, Melbourne, Longman
Hall, Derek & Richards, Greg (2000) Toursim And Sustainable Community Development, London, Routledge
Hall, Micheal () Sustainable Tourism, Harlow, Addison Wesley Longman
Hall, Peter (2002) Urban And Regional Planning, London, Routledge
Hanefors, M and Larsson, l (1993) Video Strategies Used By Tour Operators: What Is Really Communicated?, ,
Hanlon, Pat () Global Airlines: Competition in a Transnational Industry, Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann
Harrison, Lyndon (1996) Tourism Means Jobs, Chester, Lyndon Harrison
Harrison, D & Hitchcock, M (2005) The Politics of World Heritage: Negotiating Tourism and Conservation, Clevedon, Channel View
Harrison, Lynn and Husbands, Winston (1996) Practicing Responsible Tourism: In'tl Case Studies In Tourism Planning, New York, John Wiley
Harrison, Richard (ed) (1994) Manual Of Heritage Management, The, Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann
Harron, S and Weiler, B (1992) Ethnic Tourism, , Belhaven/Wiley
Hartley, John (1982) Understanding News, London, Methuen
Haughton, G & Williams, (1996) Corporate City: Partnership, Participation And Urban Development In Le, Aldershot, Avebury
Haughton, G and Whitney, D (eds) (1994) Reinventing A Region, Aldershot, Avebury
Hawkins et al (1991) World Travel And Tourism Review Indicators, , CAB International
Haynes, R (1980) Geographic Images and Mental Maps, , Macmillan
Hegard, Tonte (1984) Romanticism And The Protection Of Historic Buildings: History/Open Air, Oslo, Universitetsforlaget AS
Herbert, D et al (1989) Heritage Sites: Strategies for Marketing and Development, aldershot, Avebury
Herbert, David (ed) (1995) Heritage, Tourism And Society, London, Mansell
Hern, A (1967) Seaside Holiday, The, London, Cresset
Hewison, Robert (1987) Heritage Industry, The: Britain in a Climate of Decline, London, Methuen
Hibbert, Christopher (1969) Grand Tour, The, London, Weidenfeld and Nicholson
Hilliam, D (2001) Crown, Orn and Sceptre: The True Stories of the English Coronations, Stroud, Sutton
Hindley, Geoffrey (1983) Tourists, Travellers And Pilgrims, London, Hutchinson
Hiss, Tony (1990) Experience Of Place, The, New York, Vintage Books
Hitchcock, Michael et al (eds) (1993) Tourism In South East Asia, London, Routledge
HMSO (1951) Festival Exhibition 1951, The: The Land Travelling Exhibition, London, HMSO
HMSO (1951) Festival Of Britain 1951, The: Festival Ship Campania, London, HMSO
Hofschroer, Peter (2004) Wellington's Smallest Victory: The Duke, The Model Maker and the Secret of Waterloo, London, Faber and Faber
Hofstede, Geert (1984) Culture's Consequences: International Differences In Work-Related Valu, Newbury Park, Ca, Sage Publications
Holdnak A, & Holland, S (1996) Edutourism: Vacationing to Learn: Parks and Recreation, 72-75.
Holloway, J C and Plant, R V (1988) Marketing for Tourism, , Pitman
Holloway, J Christopher (2006) Business of Tourism, The, London, Pitman
Holloway, J Christopher () Marketing For Tourism, Harlow, Addison Wesley Longman
Hooper-Greenhill, Eilean (1994) Educational Role of the Museum, The, London, Routledge
Hooper-Greenhill, Eilean (1992) Museums and the Shaping of Knowledge, London, Routledge
Horn, Pamela (1999) Pleasures and Pastimes in Victorian Britain, Stroud, Sutton Publishing
Horne, Donald (1992) Intelligent Tourist, The, , Margaret Gee Holdings
Horne, Donald (1984) Great Museum, The, London, Pluto
Horner () Travel Agency Practice, Harlow, Addison Wesley Longman
Horner, Susan and Swarbrooke, John () Marketing Tourism and Hospitality in Europe, , Int'l Thomson Business Press
Howard, Peter (2003) Heritage: Management, Interpretation, Identity, London, Continuum
Howie, Frank (2003) Managing The Tourist Destination, London, Continuum
Hubbard P, Kitchin R and Valentine G (2004) Key Thinkers on Space and Place, London, Sage
Hudman, L E and Jackson, R H (1992) Mormon Pilgrimage and Tourism, ,
Hudson, K (1987) Museums of Influence, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
Hugill, Peter J (1985) Rediscovery Of America, The: Elite Automobile Touring, ,
Hunter, Colin and Green, Howard (1995) Tourism And The Environment: A Sustainable Relationship?, London, Routledge
Hyde, Ralph (1988) Panoramania!, London, Trefoil
Iddon, J (ed)(1988) The Dodo Strikes Back, London, St Mary's College
Inglis, Fred (2000) The Delicious History Of The Holiday, The, London, Routledge
Inkpen, G (1998) Information Technology For Travel And Tourism, Harlow, Addison Wesley Longman
Inskeep, Edward (1994) National and Reg'l Tourism Plann'g: Methodologies & Case Studies, London, Routledge/WTO
Inskeep, Edward () Tourism Planning In Bhutan, London, Routledge
Irwin, William (1996) The New Niagara: Tourism, Technology, And The Landscape Of Niagara Fal, University Park, PA, University of Pennsylvania
Ittelson, W H et al (1974) Introduction To Environmental Psychology, An, New York, Holt, Rinehart & Winston
Jack, G and Phipps, A (2005) Tourism and Intercultural Exchange: Why Tourism Matters, Clevedon, Channel View
Jafari, Jafari (1988) Tourism - A Vital Force For Peace, ,
Jakle J A, Sculle K A, Rogers, J S (1996) Motel In America, The, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University
Jakle, John (1985) Tourist, The: Travel In Twentieth Century North America, , University of North Nebraska
James, D (ed) (1957) Outward Bound, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul
Jansen-Verbeke, M (1991) Leisure Shopping: A Magic Concept For The Tourism Industry?, ,
Jaworski, A and Pritchard, A (2005) Discourse, Communication and Tourism, Clevedon, Channel View
Jeffries, David (2001) Governments And Tourism, Oxford, Butterworth Heinemann
Jellicoe, G and Jellicoe, S (1995) Landscape Of Man, The, London, Thames and Hudson
Jennings, Gayle (2001) Tourism Research, Chichester, Wiley
Jennings, Humphrey (1985) Pandaemonium: The Coming Of The Machine As Seen By Contemporary Observers, London, Andre Deutsch
Johnson, Andrew (1990) Heritage Tourism: Panacea For Derelict Industrial Landscapes Or Inappropriate .., nk, Andrew Johnson
Johnson, Peter and Thomas, Barry (1992) Choice and Demand in Tourism, London, Mansell
Johnson, Peter and Thomas, Barry (1992) Perspectives on Tourism Policy, London, Mansell
Johnson, Peter and Thomas, Barry (1992) Tourism, Museums And The Local Economy: Economic Impact Of The Region, , Edward Elgar
Joppien, Rudiger (1979) De Loutherbourg's Pantomime 'Omai, Or A Trip Round The World', London, British Museum Publications
Jordan, Arthur and Jordan, Elizabeth (1991) Away For The Day, Kettering, UK, Silver Link
Judd, D R (1995) Promoting Tourism In US Cities, ,
Judd, Dennis R and Fainstein, Susan S (eds) (1999) Tourist City, The, New Haven, Yale

Kalinowski, Katherine M and Weiler, Betty (1992) Educational Travel, New York, Wiley
Karski, A (1990) Urban Tourism - A Key To Urban Regeneration?, ,
Kasson, John F (1978) Amusing the Million, New York, Hill and Wang
Kelly, Ian and Nankervis, Tony (2001) Visitor Destinations, Milton Qd, Wiley
King, Brian (1997) Creating Island Resorts, London, Routledge
Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara (1998) Destination Culture: Tourism, Museums And Heritage, Los Angeles, University of California Press
Klingender, Francis (1947) Art And The Industrial Revolution, St Albans, Paladin
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